Saturday, January 29, 2011

Valentines Yarn Wreath

I had some extra yarn and felt left over from Christmas yarn wreath making and thought that I should craft up a Valentines yarn wreath to get us all in a lovey dovey spirit around here! I went to Micheal's and picked up a wreath and even found a cute wooden heart that looked damaged on the back so they gave it to me for 60 percent off! Here is how it turned out...

I wrapped the wreath in a thick, fuzzy red yarn and then cut out the hearts from felt and placed them on the wreath in an alternating pattern and then used a fuzzy white yarn to make x's over the hearts. I was going for an argyle sweater kind of look. I think its super cute!

I have this wooden heart that I got at Micheal's and I'm thinking of attaching it to the wreath somehow.

This wreath was super easy to make, probably only took me a couple of hours total so you could make it in the amount of time it would take you to watch a movie (or over a couple of nap times like I did!) Its also super affordable, cost less than 5 dollars total! Love me a good yarn wreath! :)


kyle, lynnette, levi, silas klassen said...

so cute amanda! i like the wreath the best without the extra heart in it....but both are cute:) nice job

Amanda Barkey said...

thanks! yeah, i left it out in the end and hung it up and some valentines ribbon :)

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